The May Company releases new album TEETH August 1st on Cleopatra Records!
The most psychedelic, fuzztastic garage rock you will hear this year!

Check out the Premiere of “Building A Box” below.

WHAT: The May Company new album TEETH on Vinyl and for Digital Download.
WHEN: August 1st, 2017
WHERE: Cleopatra Records and online stores everywhere.
MEDIA/BOOKING CONTACT: May McDonough – [email protected]

The May Company have a new album out that is both garage raw and mind-bendingly psychedelic! Their first full length under this moniker, TEETH is a fuzzy, swirly rocket ship to mars on one end, and a driving purring ford falcon on the other. Some of the more psychedelic tracks are vaguely reminiscent of Thee Oh Sees, while other more surfy hook-driven tracks lend almost a Black Lips appeal. Any garage rock, psychedelic, surf, or punk listener will be OBSESSED with this album.

May McDonough – vocals / guitar / keys
Lo Schmitt – drums/ percussion
Rusty Huber – bass/ keys

Pre-Order on Bandcamp:

The May Company - Building A Box

Buy on Bandcamp!

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About the Band:
The May Company’s world sounds a little like that abstract French film you saw once in college. You know there is a theme buried somewhere just out of grasp, and yet the bizarre imagery and odd characters leave you feeling a bit confused, a bit cultured, perhaps a bit enlightened, but always comfortable descending into the dizzying spin of madness.

The May Company (formerly known as May McDonough & Company) allude to these concepts, cryptically hinting at various personal disasters (deaths, bastard siblings, homeless trials, and somewhat bizarre worlds of self-exploration), while poetically observing and dismantling the pitfalls of modern societies worst institutions . However, it’s the psychedelic arrangements, strung out with whirling synths and fuzzy buzzing chaos, tinted with slight hues of surf and deep shades of noise-punk that get you spinning; May’s ‘Thee Oh Sees’-like guitar soars and Grace-Slick-like barbaric yawps surfing over Rusty’s slithering bassline grooves and Lo’s effortless raw drum swings will swallow you whole and send you spiraling down the edges of Federico Fellini’s forgotten side reels, spitting you out right into someone’s punky basement.

These songs instantly warp you to a time and place where no corner of geography goes unpainted. Whether you’re charting listlessly through the Syrian Desert, or stumbling wrecklessly through a 60’s spy flick, when you listen to The May Company, you imagine a greyscale world where plotlines are meaningless and sunglasses still look cool.

You can find The May Company’s first album ‘bullyboywithaglasseye’ in digital stores everywhere (like iTunes and Amazon)! Or buy the cd or vinyl LP on their website. But the very best way you can support their art is to share them with your friends! Please sign the mailing list below to receive only the most exclusive downloads, secret shows, and important news about The May Company (nothing regular, nothing boring, nothing spammy).

Sounds like: “Black Lips-meets-The Velvet Underground- meets- Nancy Sinatra”

The May Company Tour Dates:
Aug 20th – @ Continental Room – Fullerton, CA – w/ Tunnels, Spendtime Palace
August 26 – @Sasha’s House Party – San Diego, CA
August 29 – @Cafe Passe – Tucson, AZ – w/ ExBats
August 30st – @Neon Rose – El Paso, TX –
August 31st – @Sidewinder – Austin, TX –
September 1st – ? – San Antonio
September 2nd – ? -?. El Paso, TX
September 3rd – ? – Phoenix, TX
September 12th – @ OFFBEAT – Los Angeles, CA

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